Black Science Fiction
My favorite author. The late great Charles Saunders said ...
12/13/24 22:07

“Most SF portrayals of the future don’t see much of a place for blacks. Sure, there’s a Lieutenant Uhura here and Captain Sisko there. For the most part, though, blacks are either absent or irrelevant in depictions of the decades and centuries to come. But not in this book. Edward Uzzle envisions a future in which blacks are not only present and relevant, but also pivotal. His Ta-Amenta is a black utopia under siege in a racially splintered world; and his warrior-hero, Kashta, is out to save his society. This book will not only keep you on the edge of your seat; it will make you think as well.”
Charles R. Saunders, author of Imaro
Every few months I have to remind you of ...
08/25/24 23:42
The Blue Print
03/09/24 18:11